Hypnosis & NLP Sessions
I am happy to offer Hypnosis and NLP for personal transformation and self improvement. These sessions are live Zoom sessions and custom created for you. For those of you new to Hypnosis, it might be a little different from what you have come to think of as the “stage” type of Hypnosis where people do strange things and don’t remember a thing! My approach is founded in a more subtle and goal oriented technique that often enhances awareness with clients who can choose to stay fully awake and in control of themselves. And while I am not a medical professional, some topics people have come to me to attain assisted-self-help with are: Stress relief, goal achievement, diet and exercise motivation, relationship improvement and self esteem to name a few.
I offer a free consultation to asses your goals and see if we make a good fit for your needs. Please reach out by email or text to schedule a time to chat.
Fees on a sliding scale and payable through PayPal. info(at)circelink(dot)com
Tarot Readings…

What?! You ask, tarot? It’s true I have been reading tarot for over 40 years, as a child it was one of the first things I was drawn to along with art and music, and it just happened to be “the family business” as they say.
Having had an opportunity to learn this wonderful art along with my mother’s milk has been a constant blessing in my life.
At four years old I was obsessed with my mothers crystal ball, as a California kid of the 1970s reading images revealed in a crystal ball was a perfectly normal thing to do in a household where mediumship, tarot, past life regression, spoon bending, aura reading, automatic writing, astrology, numerology, divination and garden-variety metaphysics were daily events.
Under the tutelage of my mother Betty Link, an established psychic and medium, I began my career reading tarot at the age of thirteen at local psychic fairs. Then at the age of fifteen I was the youngest psychic to ever work at The Renaissance Pleasure Faire after passing stringent interviews and meeting guild requirements of all readers.
While continuing to work at The Renaissance Pleasure Faire for over 30 years I have grown my private practice to include – one on one readings, as well as appearing as a psychic entertainer at many various events such as weddings, birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, and corporate events.
Along with my private practice, my mother and I have developed and taught numerous classes on Tarot, Psychic Development, and Dream Interpretation.
And my life as you can tell by the rest of this website has also taken me down the road of music, as I began to hear fully completed songs in my dreams and figured that if the muses were guiding me in that direction, it too must be a worthy pursuit.
Currently I am teaching a private group on dream interpretation, continuing to see clients for tarot readings, dream interpretation and hypnosis. And if course making music!
If you are interested in booking a TAROT session send me an email.
Fees on a sliding scale and payable through PayPal. info(at)circelink(dot)com
Dream Explorers with Circe Link

If you are interested in joining my online Dream Explorers group please email or message me directly and send me a friend request or follow me on Facebook. We meet a few times a month on Zoom to discuss member’s dreams as well as learn techniques and tools to enhance and understand your dreams.
Those of you that are looking for the links to further educate yourself after our dream class, please enjoy these sites:
REM Sleep Is Magical. Here’s What the Experts Know – a New York Times Article
Dreamtime and Inner Space by Holger Kalweit
The Tibetan Book of the Dead – Padmasambhava, Houston Smith, Dali Lama XIV, Robert A.F. Thurman
The Dream Time and Dreams of Northern Australian Aboriginal Artists – JSTOR Article
Omens and Superstitious Beliefs of the Maori – Journal of the Polynesian Society